WHEN CAN you confidently call yourself an “adult?” When fantasizing about the future, you might picture yourself achieving your goals at certain ages. You graduate from college when you are 24 years old, work on your dream job at 25, get married at 29, and so on. Once the “child” inside you wears away, the adult world will present you with all the freedom and opportunities you wished for. Or that is what you thought. Once you reach the determined age, it is easy to think that the future will be laid out for you. However, reaching the adult age does not necessarily mean you reached adulthood. Even after you crossed the borderline between childhood and adulthood, you will realize you have not become the perfect adult you pictured. Nonetheless, perceive you are making progress, no matter how slow or little the outcomes are. You might not be aware whether you are going in the right direction, but you are at least constantly on the move. So, do not stay on the same spot and jump over the limits with confidence.

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